Category: Artikel Ilmiah

Indonesia Tax Authority Measure on Facing the Challenge in Taxing Digital Economy


Maria R.U.D. Tambunan*, Haula Rosdiana


This article is intended to examine the challenges of taxing digital economy due to rapid development of technology in Indonesia. Those changes should be responded equally from the government perspective pertaining to the changes in tax regulation, structure/institutional of tax organization, human resources who understand the pattern and development of digital business and have capability to formulate tax regulation suitable for the business pattern, and information technology reliable in transforming the business of the tax organization. This study occupies constructivism paradigm and qualitiative research method. The data was gathered through literature review, documentation study and interview with informant. The research showed that for all of those aspects, the Indonesian government has realized that the change is very crucial. The government of Indonesia also fully realizes that the rapid development of the economic activities and should respond it by publishing various proper regulations and initiatives. However, some of the regulations are still insufficient to respond to the existing challenges. This indicates that in reality, the government is still unable to respond to the current dynamic properly and proportionally. Organization changing on the context of bureaucracy reform also still on the progress, similarly on the development of human resources capacity and the use of technology to optimize tax collection effort. Therefore, more comprehensive improvement through engagement of various agents to properly respond to the current economic development is essentially required.

Kata kunci

Taxation; Digital Economy; E-commerce




Tambunan R.U.D Maria, Rosdiana Haula (2020), “Indonesia Tax Authority Measure on Facing the Challenge in Taxing Digital Economy”, Atlantic Press, Vol. 9 Issue 1, pp. 1-10. 

Reconstructing Accountability of The Cash Waqf (Endowment) Institution in Indonesia


Dodik Siswantoro;

Haula Rosdiana;

Heri Fathurahman



The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the accountability of the cash waqf institution in Indonesia, including the logic which may refer to the accountability objective.


The paper employs the qualitative method with a constructivist paradigm. Four different characteristics of cash waqf institutions in Indonesia serve as the object of this research with other related respondents, such as the government and Islamic banks. These multiple case studies may represent the characteristics of cash waqf institutions.


The result shows that the cash waqf institution in Indonesia has unique and different logical characteristics, which is neither unitary nor pluralist.


This may be the first research which discusses the accountability-based logic for cash waqf institutions in Indonesia. These institutions apply Islamic teaching (Shariah) and must generate big income for social activities. Conditions in other countries may be similar since as waqf institutions have common concepts in general.

Kata kunci

Cash, Accountability, Waqf, Pluralist, Unitary




Siswantoro, D.Rosdiana, H. and Fathurahman, H. (2018), “Reconstructing accountability of the cash waqf (endowment) institution in Indonesia”, Managerial Finance, Vol. 44 No. 5, pp. 624-644.

Main Issues of Value-Added Tax Dispute in Indonesia: A Note from 2019 Tax Court Decrees


Prianto Budi Saptono, Ismail Khozen, Cyntia Ayudia


Due to the lengthy, complicated, and expensive process, tax disputes in Indonesia are often in the spotlight. Moreover, the frequently recurring disputes for similar cases add to the long list of the issues. To that end, this study has two objectives. The first is to analyze Value Added Tax (VAT) concepts in Indonesia’s regulations. The second is to analyze the VAT dispute according to the sample generated from the 2019 Tax Court decree. Thus, it is qualitative research with inductive reasoning using data collection techniques through documentation and literature studies. This study elucidates concepts underlying VAT regulations that have received scant attention in the prior literature. The core of the VAT dispute issues stems from divergent perspectives on VAT provisions between the tax authority and taxable persons. The primary issues in VAT disputes generally involve disagreements over interpretation and inaccuracies in supporting evidence on both the input and output sides. Given that the 2019 Tax Court decree upholds only 32% of the tax authorities’ corrections, knowledge of the VAT concept is critical for readers of laws and regulations to grasp the underlying concept of the regulation.

Kata kunci

Tax dispute; Value-added tax; Tax court decision.




Saptono. P. B., Khozen. I., & Ayudia. C. (2021). Main Issues of Value-Added Tax Dispute in Indonesia: A Note From 2019 Tax Court Decrees. Jurnal Kajian Akuntansi, 5(2), 225-242. 

Analysis of good corporate governance’s ineffectiveness in preventing corruption in BUMN


Prianto Budi Saptono & Dwi Purwanto


This study aims to provide a brief report and analyze the ineffectiveness of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) in preventing corruption in State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection through in-depth interviews. Our findings show that Communication Factors, Resource Factors, Disposition Factors (attitudes), and Bureaucratic Factors affect the ineffectiveness of GCG in preventing corruption in BUMN. BUMN implements a gratification control program to prevent corruption by establishing a Gratification Control Unit (UPG), which functions as a service and information unit (help desk) for gratification control. In addition, the company also provides a whistleblowing system. BUMN employees/officials and the public who wish to report an action that indicates a violation within the BUMN environment can report it through this system. However, the program has not been effective in reducing and eliminating the corrupt behavior of BUMN employees/officials due to the lack of leadership, integrity, and values from BUMN employees/officials in preventing corruption. UPG also does not focus on preventing corruption. In addition, policy implementers often fail in carrying out their duties because of the shyness and fear of implementing corruption control policies.

Kata kunci

Good Corporate Governance; Corruption; State-Owned Enterprises



Quality of E-Tax System and Tax Compliance Intention: The Mediating Role of User Satisfaction


Prianto Budi Saptono, Sabina Hodžić, Ismail Khozen, Gustofan Mahmud, Intan Pratiwi, Dwi Purwanto, Muhamad Akbar Aditama, Nisa’ul Haq, and Siti Khodijah


The effectiveness of the e-tax system in encouraging tax compliance has been largely unexplored. Thus, the current study aims to examine the interrelationship between technological predictors in explaining tax compliance intention among certified tax professionals. Based on the literature on information system success and tax compliance intention, this paper proposed an expanded conceptual framework that incorporates convenience and perception of reduced compliance costs as predictors and satisfaction as a mediator. The data were collected from 650 tax professionals who used e-Filing and 492 who used e-Form through an online survey and analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. The empirical results suggest that participants’ perceived service quality of e-Filing services and perceptions of reduced compliance costs positively influence users’ willingness to comply with tax regulations. The latter predictor is also, and only, significant among e-Form users. The empirical results also provide statistical evidence for the mediating role of satisfaction in the relationship between all predictors and tax compliance intention. This study encourages tax policymakers and e-tax filing providers to improve their services to increase user satisfaction and tax compliance.

Kata kunci

Electronic tax filing; E-Form; Tax compliance intention; Tax professional; Indonesia




Saptono, Prianto Budi, Sabina Hodžić, Ismail Khozen, Gustofan Mahmud, Intan Pratiwi, Dwi Purwanto, Muhamad Akbar Aditama, Nisa’ul Haq, and Siti Khodijah. 2023. “Quality of E-Tax System and Tax Compliance Intention: The Mediating Role of User Satisfaction” Informatics 10, no. 1: 22.

Income Tax and VAT Issues Concerning Lease after IFRS 16 Convergence in Indonesia


Prianto Budi Saptono & Ismail Khozen


This paper aims to analyze Income Tax and Value Added Tax issues on lease transactions after IFRS 16 convergence in Indonesia into PSAK 73. This paper’s data collection is through in-depth interviews with informants such as an IAI accounting standards board, lecturers and academics, and Directorate General of Taxes official. We also use secondary data to enrich the analysis. We conclude that the tax authorities need to make tax policies that can provide legal certainty. As a complement, the new tax regulation needs to accommodate a more precise direction of the policy. Among the three available options, we see that realization taxation is more appropriate for the Indonesian situation than mark-to-market or hybrid taxation. To narrow the practical gap between accounting and tax, we recommend that tax authorities initiate a discussion with relevant stakeholders to prevent potential tax disputes in the coming years. Some issues that tax authorities need to notice are withholding tax issues when the lessee records interest expenses and transfer issues when the lessor recognizes a right-of-use asset.

Kata kunci

lease, IFRS 16, PSAK 73, income tax, value-added tax
