fiskal policy

Evaluation of Fiscal Policy on Agropolitan Development to Raise Sustainable Food Security (A Study Case in Bangli Regency, Kuningan Regency and Batu Municipality, Indonesia)


Haula Rosdiana;




This research examined the stagnant and even declining condition of the agropolitan program was implemented in Indonesia since 2002. Its progress was obstructed due to the national leadership restructuration. Worse of all, there is no Ministry to coordinate the implementation of this program, and minimal support from fiscal policies. The results of this research revealed how the fiscal policy implemented for the acceleration of agropolitan development has not been formulated in a comprehensive, integrative, and holistic manner yet. The current funding mechanism consists of different fiscal policies in each Regency/ City. This includes the different sources of funding, various agencies, and support from the community depending on the area. These differences also affect the success of the implementation of the agropolitan program in each area. In order to allow fiscal policy to accelerate the development of agropolitan areas, the Agropolitan Program Working Group must be more effective in coordinating the funding for the agropolitan program. The National Development Planning Agency must act as a coordinator so the agropolitan program will not overlap with other policies, or even become unnoticed. The the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Economic Development (MPAEED) program should be integrated with agropolitan program due to their many similarities. By integrating these two programs, the objective of opening more employment opportunities, increasing the people’s profit thus improving their welfare, and improving agricultural sustainability, can be reached. Also, the coordination and integration of these programs will result in a more effective and efficient funding system.

Kata kunci

Agropolitan development; Fiscal policy; Growth center instrument; Tax incentives; Tax policy




Haula Rosdiana, Inayati, Murwendah, Evaluation of Fiscal Policy on Agropolitan Development to Raise Sustainable Food Security (A Study Case in Bangli Regency, Kuningan Regency and Batu Municipality, Indonesia), Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 20, 2014,
Pages 563-572, ISSN 1878-0296,